

Andy Miller

Andy's research focused on 3D printed soft polymers for medical applications. His research eventually became the starting point of the medical device company restor3d.

Postdoctoral Fellows

Alina Kirillova

Alina's research focused on developing and investigating the chemistry and mechanical behavior of new biomaterials.

PhD Students

Bijan Abar

Bijan's research focused on optimizing the surgical treatment of large orthopedic injuries.

Brian Allen

Brian's research focused on drug-eluting and mechanical properties of 3D-printed implants for orthopedic applications.

Emilio Bachtiar

Emilio's research focused on evaluation of 3D printed biostable and bioresorbable elastomeric thermoplastics for medical implant applications.

Matthew Di Prima

Matthew's research focused on thermo-mechanical and micro-structural characterization of shape memory polymer foams.

Jiankuai Diao

Jiankuai's research focused on atomistic and continuum modeling of the structure and mechanical properties of metal nanowires.

Nathan Evans

Nathan's research focused on the effect of structure on the mechanical properties of surface porous polymers.

Carl Frick

Carl's research focused on processing, structure, and property relationships in NiTi shape memory alloys at multiple length scales.

Amanda Heimbrook

Amanda's research is focused on optimizing surface topographies for metallic orthopedic implants fabricated via powder bed fusion.

Scott Kasprzak

Scott's research focused on small-scale polymer structures enabled by thiol-ene copolymer systems.

Cambre Kelly

Cambre's research focused on the material, mechanical, and biological properties of additively manufactured titanium biomaterials. 

William J Koshut

Will's research focused on the fatigue properties of cartilage-like hydrogels.

Austin Leach

Austin's research focused on atomistic modeling of the mechanical behavior of nanometer scale metals.

Yiping Liu

Yiping's research focused on the thermomechanics of shape memory polymers.

David Miller

David's research focused on galvanic corrosion-induced damage of miniaturized silicon structures.

Reza Mirzaeifar

Reza's research focused on a multiscale study of NiTi Shape Memory Alloys.

Kaitlin Nelson

Kaitlin's research focused on evaluation of stress state on the mechanical properties of 3D printed metallic lattice structures.

Alicia Ortega

Alicia's research focused on structure-property relationships in photopolymerizable polymer networks.

David Safranski

David's research focused on poly(beta-amino esters) for cardiovascular applications.

Kathryn Smith

Kathryn's research focused on tailoring the toughness and biological response of photopolymerizable networks for orthopedic applications.

Dalton Sycks

Dalton's research focused on understanding and optimizing structure-property relationships in soft materials to develop mechanically robust photopolymers for 3D printing applications.

Brennan Torstrick

Brennan's research focused on osteo-integration of bare and biologically treated surface porous PEEK.

Walter Voit

Walter's research focused on the optimization of mechanical properties and manufacturing techniques to enable shape memory polymer processing.

Natalia von Windheim

Natalia's research focused on strucutre-property relationships of 3D printed thermoplastics for implantable orthopedic devices.

Edem Wornyo

Edem's research focused on the nanomechanics of shape memory polymers.

Christopher Yakacki

Christopher's research focused on shape-memory polymers for biomedical applications by investigating the thermomechanics, recovery characteristics, and cytocompatibility.

Masters Students

Brian Corff

Brian's research focused on high strain rate damage in ductile metals.

Yineng Han

Yineng's research focused on the printability and mechanical behavior of polymeric lattice structures printed with vat photopolymerization.

Kevin Juntunen

Kevin's research focused on the effects of precipitate size and surface normal orientation on micro-indentation and compressive fatigue of NiTi shape memory alloys.

Heidi F Khalil

Heidi's research focused on changes in the mechanical behavior of nitinol following variations of heat treatment duration and temperature.

Terra Kissel

Terra's research focused on the synthesis, characterization, and cyclic stress-influenced degradation of a poly(ethylene)glycol based poly(beta-amino ester).

Brian Lin

Brian's research focused on structure and thermomechanical behavior of NiTiPt shape memory alloy wires.

Katie Pitz

Katie's research focused on compression-aided stability of orthopedic devices.

Jeff Tyber

Jeff's research focused on the mechanical behavior of materials for reconstructive bioengineering applications.

Greg Vialle

Greg's research focused on inductive activation of magnetite filled shape memory polymers.

Neil West

Neil's research focused on factors affecting creep in gold on polysilicon bi-layer cantilevered MEMS beams.


Alexis Harrell

Michael Kim

Emma LaPorte

Harrison Park

Saige Sunier